27 jan. 2021MERKATOR IS AWARDED NOMINEE FOR #trendsgazellen 2021Recognition for the hard work of the people and trust of our clients. #greatplacetowork#www.merkatorisfun.com#smartcity#fibernetwork#gis#...
11 nov. 2020MERKATOR BECAME AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE OPEN NETWORKING FOUNDATION or ONF.Joining different international associations has direct benefits. Since November 2020, MERKATOR has become an active member of the Open...
23 okt. 2020INFORMATION MODELING IS THE ESSENCE OF WHAT WE DO As Network Mining, Information Modeling is the essence of what we do, since we bring together network inventory and configuration data...
26 okt. 2018MERKATOR ACQUIRES NETWORKMININGMerkator nv/sa, a geospatial asset management solution provider, is pleased to announce the acquisition of NetworkMining nv/sa, an...